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T here
is tremendous suffering in the world, but since nothing comes from
nothing—that is, everything has causes—it cannot be accidental.
M ost
of our suffering is man-made—either by
others or by ourselves—and so is
avoidable. It is not because we are inherently bad or sinful (as some
religions claim), that we cause suffering to others, and ultimately to
ourselves, but because we lack understanding of how we live in
dependence upon others, and how we cannot live otherwise. And why do
we not understand this? Largely because we are not educated properly;
and, lacking such understanding, we are like a man who sits astride
the bough of a tree and begins to saw through it between himself and
the trunk: when the bough falls, he also falls with it. Could he be
called ‘sinful’, or merely ‘stupid’?
is not surprising that there is so much suffering when there is so
much of its cause. Where there are causes, there will be effects; to
prevent the effects, the causes must be avoided. Knowing the causes is
the first step of doing this. Those who have ever removed weeds from a
garden will know that to prevent them from growing back again, the
roots must be pulled up; merely to cut them off above ground would
leave them to spring up again within the next few days; such is the
resilience of weeds.
Two things,
said the Buddha
have no limits:
Human stupidity.
