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other things, the 20th century will be known as the
bloodiest century of them all so far, and there is no end in sight to
the carnage and warfare that bedevil us. How come we have learned so
little from our suffering and pain? In some ways, we are very
intelligent; we are creative and imaginative, but in others we are
very stupid and wasteful, and can destroy, very quickly, what it has
taken us so long to build up.
It will also be
known as the century of the Refugee. We have witnessed the phenomenon of
the international refugee on an unprecedented scale, as people fled
their homes and countries in search of peace, freedom and happiness,
which they felt were unattainable where they lived. The consequent
intermingling of people of diverse races, cultures and religions,
coupled with the ease of travel today, has caused the World to shrink
considerably; we are no longer shut off from each other by national
boundaries, and hopefully, we are moving towards the time when people
will consider themselves as members of the human race, instead of the
many categories that they insist on dividing themselves up into.
The global
Environmental Crisis we are involved in recognizes no frontiers,
checkpoints or passports, and concerns everyone. Slowly, we are coming
to realize that the Earth, and everything on it, is endangered. Whether
we shall be able to halt, or even to slow down the destructive and
destabilizing processes we have started, only time will tell, but we can
never hope to succeed without cooperating on a world-wide scale.
This Crisis, if
it awakens us to the necessity of overlooking the differences between us
and cooperating, could have some very positive effects.
Is not
this Planet Earth
like a
tiny boat,
adrift on
the open sea
of Space?
Are we not
all Refugees?
Where are
we going?
