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dream of doing ‘great’ deeds in the future, but often fail to see
the many ‘small’ things that could be done in the present; thus,
life slips by, and the opportunities to do ‘great’ deeds might
never come our way, or if they do, we might not be able to use them
because we did not prepare ourselves by doing what was within
our capacity when it was, but which we perhaps thought was
unworthy of our attention or beneath our dignity.
I n
the Tao Te Ching (chapter 63), we find: "In the Universe,
great acts are made up of small deeds." And Jesus is reported to
have said—in Luke 16:10—"He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in
S ome
of us look down upon certain kinds of work, but the lowliest form of
work can be ennobled if we know how to do it, for it is we who
designate things as ‘great’, ‘small’, ‘important’, ‘unimportant’,
and so on, is it not? If we take care of ‘small’ things, we shall
probably be able to deal with ‘great’ things, too. But if we are
careless with small things, we probably shall be no more careful with
great things!
"Do the work
that’s needed—
Though it’s dull at whiles—
Helping when you
meet them,
Lame dogs over stiles."
Ella Wheeler Willcox: THE LAW.
