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days, in our temples and churches, it is quite common for people to
try to ‘buy’ merit, not aware that merit cannot be bought or sold,
but must be earned in other ways.
while Jesus was with his disciples in the Temple, they observed rich
people donating large sums of money; they also saw a poor widow donate
two small coins, and Jesus said: "I tell you truly, this widow,
although poor, has given more than all the others, for they all gave out
of their surplus, while she gave all she had."
those days, there was no such thing as Social Security for the aged and
disabled, and life was hard; people had to pay their way, and the
necessities of life were sold and bought then as now. Religion was a
thing of commerce in those days, too, and the priests exhorted people to
make offerings to the Temple and accumulate merit thereby. Now, this
widow surely knew that her coins were of little value in the market; did
she think they would have more value in the Temple? Jesus said nothing
about the motive behind her offering. If she’d had only—let us say— $20 to her name, and had offered
half, or even a quarter of it, it would have been a real sacrifice for
her; but to offer something that was of no use anyway, would have been
no sacrifice at all!
we give something, it should be of value to us, and not something that
we don’t need or want any longer.
Do good, not for
what you might get
as a result, but
because you have the
and capacity, and
you love life.
