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history, the idea that "Might is Right" has prevailed, and
still largely does. During the hey-day of the British Empire, the term
‘Gun-boat diplomacy’ was coined, from the method of sending in the
Navy to bring about the desired results.
The United
Nations has tried to prevent aggression by stronger countries towards
weaker, but has had limited success. A full report of what happened in
Panama when the Americans invaded that country some years ago has yet to
be released, but there is strong evidence that they were not the ‘Knights
in shining armor’—the
liberators—that they
would have us believe, and the U.S. political system seems in great need
of a strong dose of reform; far has it strayed from the noble
Declaration of Independence of 1776!
The human-race
has known so little peace, so beset has it been with war and strife.
Presently, there are almost 40 wars, of varying intensity, raging in
different parts of the world. Why are human-beings so stupid? Why do we
learn so slowly?
To become a
soldier, trained to kill, requires little intelligence or education,
compared with that required for becoming a doctor, who must be gentle
and caring, but at the same time firm and strong. To destroy is easy—any fool can
do that; but to create, heal, preserve and save requires intelligence
and effort, does it not?
He who
saves life
than the
who kills.
